Premium subscription was gifted

interface ActionPremiumGifted {
    amount: number;
    crypto?: { amount: number; currency: string };
    currency: string;
    message?: TextWithEntities;
    months: number;
    type: "premium_gifted";


amount: number

Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45, amount = 145

crypto?: { amount: number; currency: string }

If the subscription was bought with crypto, information about it

Type declaration

  • amount: number

    Price in the smallest units

  • currency: string

    Crypto currency name

currency: string

Currency in which it was paid for. Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code)

Message attached to the gift

months: number

Duration of the gifted subscription in months

type: "premium_gifted"