Module @mtcute/web


📖 API Reference

Web support package for mtcute. Includes:

  • WASM crypto provider
  • Websocket transport
  • IndexedDB storage
  • TelegramClient implementation using the above
import { TelegramClient } from '@mtcute/web'

const tg = new TelegramClient({
apiId: 12345,
apiHash: 'abcdef',
storage: 'my-account'

const self = await tg.start()
console.log(`✨ logged in as ${self.displayName}`)

You can also use this package with web workers to offload most of the heavy lifting to a separate thread:

// worker.ts
import { BaseTelegramClient, TelegramWorker } from '@mtcute/web'

// main.ts
import { TelegramClient, TelegramWorkerPort } from '@mtcute/web'

const client = new BaseTelegramClient({
apiId: 12345,
apiHash: 'abcdef',
storage: 'my-account'

new TelegramWorker({ client })

const worker = new Worker(new URL('./worker.ts', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' }) // or SharedWorker
const port = new TelegramWorkerPort({ worker })
const tg = new TelegramClient({ client: port })

const self = await tg.start()
console.log(`✨ logged in as ${user.displayName}`)

