• Prepare an inline message result to be sent later via the shareMessage mini-app api method.


    • client: ITelegramClient
    • params: {
              | {
                  bots?: boolean;
                  botSelf?: boolean;
                  channels?: boolean;
                  chats?: boolean;
                  private?: boolean;
                  supergroups?: boolean;
              | TypeInlineQueryPeerType[];
          result: InputInlineResult;
          userId: InputPeerLike;
      • Optionalfilter?:
            | {
                bots?: boolean;
                botSelf?: boolean;
                channels?: boolean;
                chats?: boolean;
                private?: boolean;
                supergroups?: boolean;
            | TypeInlineQueryPeerType[]

        Filters for the client to use when prompting the user for the chat to send the inline message to.

        Note that this is just a hint for the client, and the client is free to ignore it.

      • result: InputInlineResult
      • userId: InputPeerLike

    Returns Promise<tl.messages.TypeBotPreparedInlineMessage>