

raw: RawUser

Underlying raw TL object

type: "user" = ...


  • get dcId(): null | number
  • User's or bot's assigned DC (data center). Available only in case the user has set a public profile photo.

    Note: this information is approximate; it is based on where Telegram stores a user profile pictures and does not by any means tell you the user location (i.e. a user might travel far away, but will still connect to its assigned DC). More info at Pyrogram FAQ.

    Returns null | number

  • get inputPeer(): TypeInputPeer
  • Get this user's input peer for advanced use-cases.

    Note: for min users, this method will return mtcute.dummyInputPeerMinUser, which is actually not a valid input peer. These are used to indicate that the user is incomplete, and a message reference is needed to resolve the peer.

    Such objects are handled by TelegramClient.resolvePeer method, so prefer using it whenever you need an input peer.

    Returns TypeInputPeer

  • get isMin(): boolean
  • Whether this user's information is incomplete.

    This usually only happens in large chats, where the server sometimes sends only a part of the user's information. Basic info like name and profile photo are always available, but other fields may be omitted despite being available.

    It was observed that these fields may be missing:

    • username, usernames
    • status, lastOnline, nextOffline
    • storiesMaxId
    • photo - in some cases when user has some some privacy settings
    • and probably more

    This currently only ever happens for non-bot users, so if you are building a normal bot, you can safely ignore this field.

    To fetch the "complete" user information, use one of these methods:

    • TelegramClient.getUsers
    • TelegramClient.getChat
    • TelegramClient.getFullChat.

    Learn more: Incomplete peers

    Returns boolean


  • Create a mention for the user.

    When available and text is omitted, this method will return @username. Otherwise, text mention is created.

    Use null as text (first parameter) to force create a text mention with display name, even if there is a username.

    Note: This method doesn't format anything on its own. Instead, it returns a MessageEntity that can later be used with html or md template tags


    • Optionaltext: null | string

      Text of the mention.

    Returns string | MessageEntity

    msg.replyText(html`Hello, ${msg.sender.mention()`)
  • Create a permanent mention for this user.

    Permanent* means that this mention will also contain user's access hash, so even if the user changes their username or the client forgets about that user, it can still be mentioned.

    Telegram might change access hash in some cases, so it may not exactly be permanent. The only way to actually make it permanent is to send it as a message somewhere and load it from there if needed.

    Note that some users (particularly, users with hidden forwards) may not be mentioned like this outside the chats you have in common.

    This method is only needed when the result will be stored somewhere outside current mtcute instance (e.g. saved for later use), otherwise mention will be enough.

    Note: This method doesn't format anything on its own. Instead, it returns a MessageEntity that can later be used with html or md template tags

    Note: the resulting text can only be used by clients that support mtcute notation of permanent mention links (tg://user?id=123&hash=abc).

    Also note that these permanent mentions are only valid for current account, since peer access hashes are account-specific and can't be used on another account.

    Also note that for some users such mentions might not work at all due to privacy settings.


    • Optionaltext: null | string

      Mention text

    Returns MessageEntity