    | "online"
    | "offline"
    | "recently"
    | "within_week"
    | "within_month"
    | "long_time_ago"
    | "bot"

User's Last Seen & Online status. Can be one of the following:

  • online, user is online right now.
  • offline, user is currently offline.
  • recently, user with hidden last seen time who was online between 1 second and 72 hours ago.
  • within_week, user with hidden last seen time who was online between 72 hours and 7 days ago.
  • within_month, user with hidden last seen time who was online between 7 days and a month ago.
  • long_time_ago, blocked user or user with hidden last seen time who was online more than a month ago.
  • bot, for bots.