Type Alias UploadFileLike

    | URL
    | Uint8Array
    | File
    | Blob
    | string
    | AnyToNever<ReadStream>
    | AnyToNever<ReadableStream<Uint8Array>>
    | AnyToNever<NodeJS.ReadableStream>
    | AnyToNever<Response>
    | AnyToNever<Deno.FsFile>

Describes types that can be used in TelegramClient.uploadFile method. Can be one of:

  • Uint8Array/Buffer, which will be interpreted as raw file contents
  • File, Blob (from the Web API)
  • string, which will be interpreted as file path (non-browser only!)
  • URL (from the Web API, will be fetch()-ed; file:// URLs are not available in browsers)
  • ReadStream (for Node.js/Bun, from the node:fs module)
  • BunFile (from Bun.file())
  • Deno.FsFile (from Deno.open() in Deno)
  • ReadableStream (Web API readable stream)
  • Readable (Node.js/Bun readable stream)
  • Response (from window.fetch)