Type Alias ChatMemberUpdateType

    | "joined"
    | "added"
    | "left"
    | "kicked"
    | "unkicked"
    | "restricted"
    | "unrestricted"
    | "unrestricted_promoted"
    | "promoted"
    | "demoted"
    | "demoted_restricted"
    | "demoted_kicked"
    | "old_owner"
    | "new_owner"
    | "other"

Type of the event. Can be one of:

  • joined: User user joined the chat/channel on their own
  • added: User actor added another user user to the chat
  • left: User user left the channel on their own
  • kicked: User user was kicked from the chat by actor
  • unkicked: User user was removed from the list of kicked users by actor and can join the chat again
  • restricted: User user was restricted by actor
  • unrestricted: User user was unrestricted by actor
  • unrestricted_promoted: User user was unrestricted AND promoted to an admin by actor
  • promoted: User user was promoted to admin by actor
  • demoted: User user was demoted from admin by actor
  • demoted_restricted: User user was demoted from admin AND restricted by actor
  • demoted_kicked: User user was demoted from admin AND kicked by actor
  • old_owner: User user transferred their own chat ownership
  • new_owner: User actor transferred their chat ownership to user
  • other: Some other event (e.g. change in restrictions, change in admin rights, etc.)