A webpage to be sent

interface InputInlineMessageWebpage {
    caption?: InputText;
    invertMedia?: boolean;
    replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup;
    required?: boolean;
    size?: "small" | "large";
    text: InputText;
    type: "webpage";
    url: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


caption?: InputText

Caption of the media

invertMedia?: boolean

Whether to invert media position.

Currently only supported for web previews and makes the client render the preview above the caption and not below.

replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup

Message reply markup

required?: boolean

Whether the link must be present in the message for the preview to appear

size?: "small" | "large"

By default, size of the media in the preview is determined based on content type.

You can override this behaviour by passing the wanted size here

text: InputText

Text of the message

type: "webpage"
url: string

Webpage URL