interface SendCopyGroupParams {
    allowPaidFloodskip?: boolean;
    allowPaidMessages?: Long;
    businessConnectionId?: string;
    clearDraft?: boolean;
    commentTo?: number | Message;
    effect?: Long;
    forbidForwards?: boolean;
    mustReply?: boolean;
    quickReply?: string | number;
    quote?: TextWithEntities;
    quoteOffset?: number;
    replyTo?: number | Message;
    replyToStory?: number;
    schedule?: number | Date | "online";
    sendAs?: InputPeerLike;
    shouldDispatch?: true;
    silent?: boolean;
    toChatId: InputPeerLike;


  • CommonSendParams
    • SendCopyGroupParams


allowPaidFloodskip?: boolean

Bots only: if set, allows sending up to 1000 messages per second, ignoring broadcasting limits for a fee of 0.1 Telegram Stars per message. The Stars will be withdrawn from the bot's balance.

allowPaidMessages?: Long

Whether to allow payment for messages. If set, the value represents the maximum number of stars to be paid

businessConnectionId?: string

Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message will be sent

clearDraft?: boolean

Whether to clear draft after sending this message.


commentTo?: number | Message

Message to comment to. Either a message object or message ID.

This overwrites replyTo if it was passed

effect?: Long

ID of a message effect to use when sending the message (see TelegramClient.getAvailableMessageEffects)

forbidForwards?: boolean

Whether to disallow further forwards of this message.

Only for bots, works even if the target chat does not have content protection.

mustReply?: boolean

Whether to throw an error if replyTo message does not exist.

If that message was not found, NotFoundError is thrown, with text set to MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND.

Incurs an additional request, so only use when really needed.


quickReply?: string | number

If passed, instead of sending the message, it will be saved into the given quick reply shortcut (either its ID or its shortcut string).

Quoted text. Must be exactly contained in the message being quoted to be accepted by the server (as well as entities)

quoteOffset?: number

Offset of the start of the quote in the message.

replyTo?: number | Message

Message to reply to. Either a message object or message ID.

For forums - can also be an ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID)

Can also be a message from another chat, in which case a quote will be sent.

replyToStory?: number

Story to reply to.

Must be the story sent by the peer you are sending the message to.

Can't be used together with replyTo or commentTo.

schedule?: number | Date | "online"

If set, the message will be scheduled to this date. When passing a number, a UNIX time in ms is expected.

You can also pass online - this will send the message once the peer is online. Note that this requires that peer's online status to be visible to you.

sendAs?: InputPeerLike

Peer to use when sending the message.

shouldDispatch?: true

Whether to dispatch the returned message to the client's update handler. Doesn't follow disableNoDispatch

silent?: boolean

Whether to send this message silently.

toChatId: InputPeerLike

Destination chat ID