interface ForwardMessageOptions {
    allowPaidFloodskip?: boolean;
    allowPaidMessages?: Long;
    clearDraft?: boolean;
    forbidForwards?: boolean;
    noAuthor?: boolean;
    noCaption?: boolean;
    quickReply?: string | number;
    schedule?: number | Date;
    sendAs?: InputPeerLike;
    shouldDispatch?: true;
    silent?: boolean;
    toChatId: InputPeerLike;
    videoTimestamp?: number;


allowPaidFloodskip?: boolean

Bots only: if set, allows sending up to 1000 messages per second, ignoring broadcasting limits for a fee of 0.1 Telegram Stars per message. The Stars will be withdrawn from the bot's balance.

allowPaidMessages?: Long

Whether to allow payment for messages. If set, the value represents the maximum number of stars to be paid

clearDraft?: boolean

Whether to clear draft after sending this message (only used for caption)


forbidForwards?: boolean

Whether to disallow further forwards of this message.

Only for bots, works even if the target chat does not have content protection.

noAuthor?: boolean

Whether to forward without author

noCaption?: boolean

Whether to forward without caption (implies noAuthor)

quickReply?: string | number

If passed, instead of sending the message, it will be saved into the given quick reply shortcut (either its ID or its shortcut string).

schedule?: number | Date

If set, the forwarding will be scheduled to this date (also applies to caption message). When passing a number, a UNIX time in ms is expected.

You can also pass 0x7FFFFFFE, this will send the message once the peer is online

sendAs?: InputPeerLike

Peer to use when sending the message.

shouldDispatch?: true

Whether to dispatch the forwarded messages to the client's update handler.

silent?: boolean

Whether to forward silently (also applies to caption message).

toChatId: InputPeerLike

Destination chat ID, username, phone, "me" or "self"

videoTimestamp?: number

Video timestamp to use for the forwarded video