ID of the chat, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Media contained in the message. You can also pass TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, which will be wrapped in
params: CommonSendParams & {Additional sending parameters
caption?: InputTextOverride caption for media
Can be used, for example. when using File IDs or when using existing InputMedia objects.
invert?: booleanWhether to invert media position.
Currently only supported for web previews and makes the client render the preview above the caption and not below.
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidFunction that will be called after some part has been uploaded. Only used when a file that requires uploading is passed, and not used when uploading a thumbnail.
replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkupFor bots: inline or reply markup or an instruction to hide a reply keyboard or to force a reply.
Send a single media (a photo or a document-based media)