• Create a new sticker set.


    • client: ITelegramClient
    • params: {
          adaptive?: boolean;
          owner: InputPeerLike;
          progressCallback?: (idx: number, uploaded: number, total: number) => void;
          shortName: string;
          stickers: InputStickerSetItem[];
          thumb?: InputFileLike;
          title: string;
          type?: StickerType;
      • Optionaladaptive?: boolean

        Whether to create "adaptive" emoji set.

        Color of the emoji will be changed depending on the text color. Only works for TGS-based emoji stickers

      • owner: InputPeerLike

        Owner of the sticker set (must be user).

        If this pack is created from a user account, can only be "self"

      • OptionalprogressCallback?: (idx: number, uploaded: number, total: number) => void

        Upload progress callback.

      • shortName: string

        Short name of the sticker set. Can only contain English letters, digits and underscores (i.e. must match /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/), and (for bots) must end with by (` is case-insensitive).

      • stickers: InputStickerSetItem[]

        List of stickers to be immediately added into the pack. There must be at least one sticker in this list.

      • Optionalthumb?: InputFileLike

        Thumbnail for the set.

        The file must be either a .png file up to 128kb, having size of exactly 100x100 px, or a .tgs file up to 32kb.

        If not set, Telegram will use the first sticker in the sticker set as the thumbnail

      • title: string

        Title of the sticker set (1-64 chars)

      • Optionaltype?: StickerType

        Type of the stickers in this set.

        sticker, i.e. regular stickers.

    Returns Promise<StickerSet>

    Newly created sticker set