• Upgrades a star gift to a unique gift.

    Note: this method is not indended to be used by full-fledged clients, as this method hides the actual invoice and payment form from the user. For GUI clients, you should refer to the method's source code and present the payment form to the user.


    • client: ITelegramClient
    • params: { gift: InputStarGift; keepOriginalDetails?: boolean; shouldDispatch?: true }
      • gift: InputStarGift
      • OptionalkeepOriginalDetails?: boolean

        Whether to retain the original details of the gift (like sender, recipient, date, message)

      • OptionalshouldDispatch?: true

        Whether to dispatch the new message event to the client's update handler.

    Returns Promise<Message | null>

    Service message about the upgraded gift, if one was generated.