• Iterate through chat members

    This method is a small wrapper over getChatMembers, which also handles duplicate entries (i.e. does not yield the same member twice)


    • client: ITelegramClient
    • chatId: InputPeerLike

      Chat ID or username

    • Optionalparams: {
          limit?: number;
          offset?: number;
          query?: string;
              | "restricted"
              | "contacts"
              | "bots"
              | "banned"
              | "admins"
              | "mention"
              | "all"
              | "recent";
      } & { chunkSize?: number }

      Additional parameters

      • Optionallimit?: number

        Maximum number of members to be retrieved.

        Note: Telegram currently only allows you to ever retrieve at most 200 members, regardless of offset/limit. I.e. when passing offset=201 nothing will ever be returned.

      • Optionaloffset?: number

        Sequential number of the first member to be returned.

      • Optionalquery?: string

        Search query to filter members by their display names and usernames

        Note: Only used for these values of filter: all, banned, restricted, mention, contacts

        '' (empty string)

      • Optionaltype?:
            | "restricted"
            | "contacts"
            | "bots"
            | "banned"
            | "admins"
            | "mention"
            | "all"
            | "recent"

        Type of the query. Can be:

        • all: get all members
        • banned: get only banned members
        • restricted: get only restricted members
        • bots: get only bots
        • recent: get recent members
        • admins: get only administrators (and creator)
        • contacts: get only contacts
        • mention: get users that can be mentioned (see tl.RawChannelParticipantsMentions)

        Only used for channels and supergroups.


      • OptionalchunkSize?: number

        Chunk size, which will be passed as limit parameter to getChatMembers. Usually you shouldn't care about this.


    Returns AsyncIterableIterator<ChatMember>