Information about file location.

Catch-all class for all kinds of Telegram file locations, including ones that are embedded directly into the entity.

Hierarchy (View Summary)




  • Parameters

    • location:
          | Uint8Array
          | TypeInputFileLocation
          | TypeInputWebFileLocation
          | () => Uint8Array | TypeInputFileLocation | TypeInputWebFileLocation

      Location of the file.

      Either a TL object declaring remote file location, a Buffer containing actual file content (for stripped thumbnails and vector previews), or a function that will return either of those.

      When a function is passed, it will be lazily resolved the first time downloading the file.

    • OptionalfileSize: number

      File size in bytes, when available

    • OptionaldcId: number

      DC ID of the file, when available

    Returns FileLocation


dcId?: number

DC ID of the file, when available

fileSize?: number

File size in bytes, when available

    | Uint8Array
    | TypeInputFileLocation
    | TypeInputWebFileLocation
    | () => Uint8Array | TypeInputFileLocation | TypeInputWebFileLocation

Location of the file.

Either a TL object declaring remote file location, a Buffer containing actual file content (for stripped thumbnails and vector previews), or a function that will return either of those.

When a function is passed, it will be lazily resolved the first time downloading the file.