Context of an inline-originated callback query update.

This is a subclass of InlineCallbackQuery, so all its fields are also available.

Hierarchy (view full)




_name: "inline_callback_query" = ...
_peers: PeersIndex


  • get data(): null | Uint8Array
  • Data that was contained in the callback button, if any

    Note that this field is defined by the client, and a bad client can send arbitrary data in this field.

    Returns null | Uint8Array

  • get dataStr(): null | string
  • Data that was contained in the callback button, if any, parsed as a UTF8 string

    Note that this field is defined by the client, and a bad client can send arbitrary data in this field.

    Returns null | string

  • get inlineMessageIdStr(): string
  • Identifier of the previously sent inline message, that contained the button which was clicked, as a TDLib and Bot API compatible string. Can be used instead of inlineMessageId in case you want to store it in some storage.

    Returns string


  • Answer to this callback query


    • params: undefined | {
          alert?: boolean;
          cacheTime?: number;
          text?: string;
          url?: string;

    Returns Promise<void>