A sticker

Hierarchy (view full)



dcId?: number

DC ID of the file, when available

fileSize?: number

File size in bytes, when available

    | Uint8Array
    | TypeInputFileLocation
    | TypeInputWebFileLocation
    | (() => Uint8Array | TypeInputFileLocation | TypeInputWebFileLocation)

Location of the file.

Either a TL object declaring remote file location, a Buffer containing actual file content (for stripped thumbnails and vector previews), or a function that will return either of those.

When a function is passed, it will be lazily resolved the first time downloading the file.

type: "sticker" = ...

Type of the media (for use in a tagged union)


  • get emoji(): string
  • Primary emoji associated with this sticker, that is displayed in dialogs list.

    If there is none, empty string is returned.

    Note: This only contains at most one emoji. Some stickers have multiple associated emojis, but only one is returned here. This is Telegram's limitation! Use getAllEmojis instead.

    For custom emojis, this alt should be used as a fallback text that will be "behind" the custom emoji entity.

    Returns string
