
  • BaseTelegramClient




    appConfig: AppConfigManager = ...
    log: Logger
    updates?: UpdatesManager



    • Make an RPC call

      This method is still quite low-level and you shouldn't use this when using high-level API provided by @mtcute/client.

      Type Parameters

      • T extends RpcMethod


      Returns Promise<RpcCallReturn[T["_"]]>

    • Export current session to a single LONG string, containing all the needed information.

      Warning! Anyone with this string will be able to authorize as you and do anything. Treat this as your password, and never give it away!

      In case you have accidentally leaked this string, make sure to revoke this session in account settings: "Privacy & Security" > "Active sessions" > find the one containing mtcute > Revoke, or, in case this is a bot, revoke bot token with @BotFather

      Returns Promise<string>

    • Import the session from the given session string.

      Note that the session will only be imported in case the storage is missing authorization (i.e. does not contain auth key for the primary DC), otherwise it will be ignored (unless force).


      • session: string | StringSessionData

        Session string to import

      • force: boolean = false

        Whether to overwrite existing session

      Returns Promise<void>