ona bot chat join request handler
ona bot reaction count update handler
ona bot reaction update handler
ona bot stopped handler
ona business callback query handler
ona business connection update handler
ona business message group handler
ona callback query handler
ona chat join request handler
ona chat member update handler
ona chosen inline result handler
ona delete business message handler
ona delete message handler
ona delete story handler
onan edit business message handler
onan edit message handler
ona history read handler
onan inline callback query handler
onan inline query handler
ona message group handler
ona new business message handler
ona poll update handler
ona poll vote handler
ona pre checkout query handler
onRaw update emitter
ona story update handler
onParsed update emitter
onan user status update handler
onan user typing handler
timersNormalize a InputFileLike to InputFile
uploading it if needed.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Normalize an InputMediaLike to InputMedia
uploading the file if needed.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: {Optional
uploadMedia: booleanNormalize InputPrivacyRule[] to tl.TypeInputPrivacyRule
resolving the peers if needed.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Accept, hide or convert a star gift.
Available: 👤 users only
Action to perform on the gift.
- save the gift to your profilehide
- hide the gift from your profileconvert
- convert the gift to stars (can't be undone)Input star gift to accept
Whether the action was successful
Add one or more new members to a group, supergroup or channel.
Available: 👤 users only
ID of the chat or its username
ID(s) of the user(s) to add
forwardCount?: numberNumber of old messages to be forwarded (0-100). Only applicable to legacy groups, ignored for supergroups and channels
List of users that were failed to be invited (may be empty)
Add an existing Telegram user as a contact Available: 👤 users only
First name of the contact
lastName?: stringLast name of the contact
phone?: stringPhone number of the contact, if available
sharePhone?: booleanWhether to share your own phone number with the newly created contact
User ID, username or phone number
Add a sticker to a sticker set.
For bots the sticker set must have been created by this bot.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Sticker set short name or TL object with input sticker set
Sticker to be added
params: { progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }Optional
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidUpload progress callback
Modfiied sticker set
Send an answer to a callback query.
Available: 🤖 bots only
ID of the callback query, or the query itself
params: { alert?: boolean; cacheTime?: number; text?: string; url?: string }Parameters of the answer
alert?: booleanWhether to show an alert in the middle of the screen instead of a notification at the top of the screen.
cacheTime?: numberMaximum amount of time in seconds for which this result can be cached by the client (not server!).
text?: stringText of the notification (0-200 chars).
If not set, nothing will be displayed
url?: stringURL that the client should open.
If this was a button containing a game,
you can provide arbitrary link to your game.
Otherwise, you can only use links in the format
that open your bot
with a deep-link parameter.
Answer an inline query.
Available: 🤖 bots only
Inline query ID
Results of the query
params: {Additional parameters
cacheTime?: numberMaximum number of time in seconds that the results of the query may be cached on the server for.
gallery?: booleanWhether the results should be displayed as a gallery instead of a vertical list. Only applicable to some media types.
In some cases changing this may lead to the results not being displayed by the client.
Default is derived automatically based on result types
nextOffset?: stringNext pagination offset (up to 64 bytes).
When user has reached the end of the current results,
the client will re-send the inline query with the same text, but
with offset
set to this value.
If omitted or empty string is provided, it is assumed that there are no more results.
private?: booleanWhether the results should only be cached on the server for the user who sent the query.
switchPm?: { parameter: string; text: string }If passed, clients will display a button before any other results,
that when clicked switches the user to a private chat with the bot
and sends the bot /start ${parameter}
An example from the Bot API docs:
An inline bot that sends YouTube videos can ask the user to connect the bot to their YouTube account to adapt search results accordingly. To do this, it displays a "Connect your YouTube account" button above the results, or even before showing any. The user presses the button, switches to a private chat with the bot and, in doing so, passes a start parameter that instructs the bot to return an oauth link. Once done, the bot can offer a switch_inline button so that the user can easily return to the chat where they wanted to use the bot's inline capabilities
Parameter for /start
Text of the button
switchWebview?: { text: string; url: string }If passed, clients will display a button on top of the remaining inline result list with the specified text, that switches the user to the specified bot web app.
Text of the button
URL to open
Send a media to the same chat (and topic, if applicable) as a given message
Send a media group to the same chat (and topic, if applicable) as a given message
Answer a pre-checkout query.
Available: 🤖 bots only
Pre-checkout query ID
params: { error?: string }Optional
error?: stringIf pre-checkout is rejected, error message to show to the user
Send a text to the same chat (and topic, if applicable) as a given message
Boost a given channel
Available: 👤 users only
Peer ID to boost
Archive one or more chats
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID(s), username(s), phone number(s), "me"
or "self"
Ban a user/channel from a legacy group, a supergroup or a channel. They will not be able to re-join the group on their own, manual administrator's action will be required.
When banning a channel, the user won't be able to use any of their channels to post until the ban is lifted.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
ID of the user/channel to ban
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) to the client's update handler.
untilDate?: number | DateService message about removed user, if one was generated.
Block a user
Available: 👤 users only
User ID, username or phone number
params: RpcCallOptionsCheck if the current user can apply boost to some channel
Available: ✅ both users and bots
{ can: true }
if the user can apply boost
- Chats that can be replaced with the current one.
If the user can apply boost without replacing any chats, this field will be undefined
.{ can: false }
if the user can't apply boost
.reason == "no_slots"
if the user has no available slots.reason == "need_premium"
if the user needs Premium to boostslots
will contain all the current user's boost slotsCheck if the current user can post stories as a given peer
Available: 👤 users only
Peer ID whose stories to fetch
if the user can post stories
if the user is not an admin in the chat"need_boosts"
if the channel doesn't have enough boostsChange your 2FA password Available: 👤 users only
Current password as plaintext
hint?: stringHint for the new password
New password as plaintext
Check your Two-Step verification password and log in
Available: 👤 users only
abortSignal?: AbortSignalAbort signal
Your Two-Step verification password
passwordObj?: RawPasswordExisting response from account.getPassword
, if available (to avoid extra API calls)
The authorized user
Inform the library that the user has closed a chat. Un-does the effect of openChat.
Some library logic depends on this, for example, the library will periodically ping the server to keep the updates flowing.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat to open
Close a poll sent by you.
Once closed, poll can't be re-opened, and nobody will be able to vote in it Available: ✅ both users and bots
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the edit message event to the client's update handler.
Close a webview previously opened by openWebview method.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Webview result returned by openWebview, or its .queryId
Send a text comment to a given message.
If this is a normal message (not a channel post), a simple reply will be sent.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
MtArgumentError If this is a channel post which does not have comments section. To check if a post has comments, use Message#replies.hasComments
Send a text comment to a given message.
If this is a normal message (not a channel post), a simple reply will be sent.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
MtArgumentError If this is a channel post which does not have comments section. To check if a post has comments, use Message#replies.hasComments
Send a text comment to a given message.
If this is a normal message (not a channel post), a simple reply will be sent.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
MtArgumentError If this is a channel post which does not have comments section. To check if a post has comments, use Message#replies.hasComments
Create a new business chat link
Available: 👤 users only
Text to be inserted into the message input
params: { title?: string }Optional
title?: stringCustom title for the link
Create a new broadcast channel
Available: 👤 users only
description?: stringChannel description
Channel title
Newly created channel
Create a folder from given parameters
ID for the folder is optional, if not provided it will be derived automatically.
Available: 👤 users only
Parameters for the folder
Newly created folder
Create a topic in a forum
Only admins with manageTopics
permission can do this.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
icon?: number | LongIcon of the topic.
Can be a number (color in RGB, see ForumTopic static members for allowed values) or a custom emoji ID.
Icon color can't be changed after the topic is created.
sendAs?: InputPeerLikeSend as a specific channel
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) to the client's update handler.
Topic title
Service message for the created topic
Create a legacy group chat
If you want to create a supergroup, use createSupergroup instead. Available: 👤 users only
Group title
ttlPeriod?: numberTTL period (in seconds) for the newly created chat
User(s) to be invited in the group (ID(s), username(s) or phone number(s)). Due to Telegram limitations, you can't create a legacy group with just yourself.
Create an additional invite link for the chat.
You must be an administrator and have appropriate rights.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
params: {Optional
expires?: number | DateDate when this link will expire.
If number
is passed, UNIX time in ms is expected.
subscriptionPricing?: RawStarsSubscriptionPricingWhen a pricing plan is passed, this link will become a paid subscription link
Currently the only allowed .period
is 1 month, i.e. 2592000
usageLimit?: numberMaximum number of users that can be members of this chat at the same time after joining using this link.
Integer in range [1, 99999]
or Infinity
withApproval?: booleanWhether users to be joined via this link need to be approved by an admin
Create a new sticker set.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
adaptive?: booleanWhether to create "adaptive" emoji set.
Color of the emoji will be changed depending on the text color. Only works for TGS-based emoji stickers
Owner of the sticker set (must be user).
If this pack is created from a user account,
can only be "self"
progressCallback?: (idx: number, uploaded: number, total: number) => voidUpload progress callback.
Short name of the sticker set.
Can only contain English letters, digits and underscores
(i.e. must match /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/), and (for bots) must end with
by (
List of stickers to be immediately added into the pack. There must be at least one sticker in this list.
thumb?: InputFileLikeThumbnail for the set.
The file must be either a .png
up to 128kb, having size of exactly 100x100
or a .tgs
file up to 32kb.
If not set, Telegram will use the first sticker in the sticker set as the thumbnail
Title of the sticker set (1-64 chars)
type?: StickerTypeType of the stickers in this set.
Newly created sticker set
Create a new supergroup
Available: 👤 users only
description?: stringSupergroup description
forum?: booleanWhether to create a forum
Supergroup title
ttlPeriod?: numberTTL period (in seconds) for the newly created supergroup
Newly created supergroup
Delete a business chat link
Available: 👤 users only
The link to delete
Delete a channel or a supergroup
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
Delete a chat photo
You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
Delete one or more contacts from your Telegram contacts list
Returns deleted contact's profiles. Does not return profiles of users that were not in your contacts list
Available: 👤 users only
User IDs, usernames or phone numbers
Delete a folder by its ID
Available: 👤 users only
Folder ID or folder itself
Delete a forum topic and all its history
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat or user ID, username, phone number, "me"
or "self"
ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID)
params: { shouldDispatch?: true }Optional
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch updates that will be generated by this call.
Doesn't follow disableNoDispatch
Delete a legacy group chat for all members
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
Delete communication history (for private chats and legacy groups) Available: 👤 users only
params: { maxId?: number; mode: "delete" | "revoke" | "clear" }Optional
maxId?: numberMaximum ID of message to delete.
Deletion mode. Can be:
: delete messages (only for yourself) AND the dialog itselfclear
: delete messages (only for yourself), but keep the dialog in the listrevoke
: delete messages for all usersDelete one or more Message
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Message(s) to delete
params: DeleteMessagesParamsDelete messages by their IDs
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Message(s) ID(s) to delete.
params: DeleteMessagesParamsDelete commands for the current bot and the given scope.
Does the same as passing null
to setMyCommands
Learn more about scopes in the Bot API docs Available: 🤖 bots only
params: {Optional
langCode?: stringUser language applied to the scope.
scope?: BotCommands.IntermediateScope | TypeBotCommandScopeScope of the commands.
Delete your own profile photos
Available: 👤 users only
ID(s) of the photos. Can be file IDs or raw TL objects
Delete scheduled messages by their IDs.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Message(s) ID(s) to delete.
Delete a sticker from a sticker set
For bots the sticker set must have been created by this bot.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, or a TL object representing a sticker to be removed
Modfiied sticker set
Delete a story
Available: 👤 users only
Story IDs to delete
peer?: InputPeerLikePeer ID whose stories to delete
IDs of stories that were removed
Delete a channel or a supergroup
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
Delete all messages of a user (or channel) in a supergroup Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
User/channel ID whose messages to delete
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the updates that will be generated by this call.
Doesn't follow disableNoDispatch
Download a file and return its contents as a Buffer.
Note: This method will download the entire file into memory at once. This might cause an issue, so use wisely!
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: FileDownloadParametersFile download parameters
Download a file and return it as an iterable, which yields file contents in chunks of a given size. Order of the chunks is guaranteed to be consecutive.
Available: 👤 users only
params: FileDownloadParametersDownload parameters
Download a remote file as a Node.js Readable stream.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: FileDownloadParametersFile download parameters
Download a file and return it as a @fuman/io
streaming file contents.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: FileDownloadParametersFile download parameters
Download a remote file to a local file (only for Node.js). Promise will resolve once the download is complete.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Local file name to which the remote file will be downloaded
params: FileDownloadParametersFile download parameters
Edit supergroup/channel admin rights of a user. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
rank?: stringCustom admin rank
New admin rights
User ID
Edit an existing business chat link
Available: 👤 users only
The link to edit
Text to be inserted in the message input
title?: stringCustom title for the link
Edit "close friends" list using InputPeerLike
Available: 👤 users only
User IDs
Edit a folder with given modification
Available: 👤 users only
Folder, folder ID or name. Note that passing an ID or name will require re-fetching all folders, and passing name might affect not the right folder if you have multiple with the same name.
Modification to be applied to this folder
Modified folder
Modify a topic in a forum
Only admins with manageTopics
permission can do this.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
icon?: null | LongNew icon of the topic.
Can be a custom emoji ID, or null
to remove the icon
and use static color instead
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) to the client's update handler.
title?: stringNew topic title
ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID)
Service message about the modification
Edit sent inline message text, media and reply markup.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
disableWebPreview?: booleanWhether to disable links preview in this message
invertMedia?: booleanWhether to invert media position.
Currently only supported for web previews and makes the client render the preview above the caption and not below.
media?: InputMediaLikeNew message media
Inline message ID, either as a TL object, or as a TDLib and Bot API compatible string
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidFor media, upload progress callback.
replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkupFor bots: new reply markup. If omitted, existing markup will be removed.
text?: InputTextNew message text
When media
is passed, media.caption
is used instead
Edit an invite link. You can only edit non-primary invite links.
Only pass the fields that you want to modify.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
expires?: number | DateDate when this link will expire.
If number
is passed, UNIX time in ms is expected.
Invite link to edit
usageLimit?: numberMaximum number of users that can be members of this chat at the same time after joining using this link.
Integer in range [1, 99999]
or Infinity
withApproval?: booleanWhether users to be joined via this link need to be approved by an admin
Modified invite link
Edit message text, media, reply markup and schedule date.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
businessConnectionId?: stringOptional
disableWebPreview?: booleanWhether to disable links preview in this message
invertMedia?: booleanWhether to invert media position.
Currently only supported for web previews and makes the client render the preview above the caption and not below.
media?: InputMediaLike | undefinedNew message media
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidFor media, upload progress callback.
replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkup | undefinedFor bots: new reply markup. If omitted, existing markup will be removed.
scheduleDate?: number | DateTo re-schedule a message: new schedule date. When passing a number, a UNIX time in ms is expected.
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the edit message event to the client's update handler.
text?: InputText | undefinedNew message text
When media
is passed, media.caption
is used instead
Edit a sent story
Available: 👤 users only
caption?: InputTextOverride caption for media
Story ID to edit
interactiveElements?: TypeMediaArea[]Interactive elements to add to the story
media?: InputMediaLikeMedia contained in a story. Currently can only be a photo or a video.
peer?: InputPeerLikePeer ID to whose story to edit
privacyRules?: InputPrivacyRule[]Privacy rules to apply to the story
Edited story
Enable 2FA password on your account
Note that if you pass email
, EmailUnconfirmedError
may be
thrown, and you should use verifyPasswordEmail,
resendPasswordEmail or cancelPasswordEmail,
and the call this method again
Available: 👤 users only
email?: stringRecovery email
hint?: stringHint for the new password
2FA password as plaintext
Generate a new primary invite link for a chat, old primary link is revoked.
Note: each administrator has their own primary invite link, and bots by default don't have one.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat IDs
Try to find a dialog (dialogs) with a given peer (peers) by their ID, username or phone number.
This might be an expensive call, as it will potentially iterate over all dialogs to find the one with the given peer
Available: 👤 users only
Find a folder by its parameter.
Note: Searching by title and/or emoji might not be accurate since you can set the same title and/or emoji to multiple folders.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Search parameters. At least one must be set.
emoji?: stringFolder emoji
id?: numberFolder ID
title?: stringFolder title
Forward one or more Messages to another chat.
Note: all messages must be from the same chat. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Forward one or more messages by their IDs. You can forward no more than 100 messages at once.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Additional sending parameters
Source chat ID, username, phone, "me"
or "self"
Message IDs to forward
Newly sent, forwarded messages in the destination chat.
Get all scheduled messages in chat
Available: 👤 users only
Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Get all stories (e.g. to load the top bar) Available: 👤 users only
params: { archived?: boolean; offset?: string }Optional
archived?: booleanWhether to fetch stories from "archived" (or "hidden") peers
offset?: stringOffset from which to fetch stories
Get a list of available message effects Available: 👤 users only
Get boosts of a channel Available: 👤 users only
params: { limit?: number; offset?: string }Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of boosters to fetch
offset?: stringOffset for pagination
Get information about boosts in a channel
Available: 👤 users only
IDs of stories that were removed
Gets information about a bot the current uzer owns (or the current bot) Available: ✅ both users and bots
bot?: InputPeerLikeWhen called by a user, a bot the user owns must be specified. When called by a bot, must be empty
langCode?: stringIf passed, will retrieve the bot's description in the given language. If left empty, will retrieve the fallback description.
Fetches the menu button set for the given user. Available: 🤖 bots only
Get current user's business chat links Available: 👤 users only
Get information about the connection of the bot with a business account
Available: 🤖 bots only
ID of the business connection
Request a callback answer from a bot, i.e. click an inline button that contains data.
Available: 👤 users only
Data contained in the button
fireAndForget?: booleanWhether to "fire and forget" this request, in which case the promise will resolve as soon as the request is sent with an empty response.
Useful for interacting with bots that don't correctly answer to callback queries and the request always times out.
Note: any errors will be silently ignored.
game?: booleanWhether this is a "play game" button
password?: stringIf the button requires password entry, your 2FA password.
Your password is never exposed to the bot, it is checked by Telegram.
timeout?: numberTimeout for the query in ms.
Get the message containing the button being clicked in the given callback query. Available: 🤖 bots only
Get basic information about a chat.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
ID of the chat, its username or invite link
MtArgumentError In case you are trying to get info about private chat that you haven't joined. Use getChatPreview instead.
Get chat event log ("Recent actions" in official clients).
Only available for supergroups and channels, and requires (any) administrator rights.
Results are returned in reverse chronological order (i.e. newest first) and event IDs are in direct chronological order (i.e. newer events have bigger event ID)
Available: 👤 users only
params: {Optional
filters?: InputChatEventFiltersEvent filters. Can be a TL object, or one or more action types.
Note that some filters are grouped in TL
(i.e. info=true
will return title_changed
and many more),
and when passing one or more action types,
they will be filtered locally.
limit?: numberLimit the number of events returned.
Note: when using filters, there will likely be less events returned than specified here. This limit is only used to limit the number of events to fetch from the server.
If you need to limit the number of events returned, use iterChatEventLog instead.
maxId?: LongMaximum event ID to return, can be used as a base offset
minId?: LongMinimum event ID to return
query?: stringSearch query
users?: InputPeerLike[]List of users whose actions to return
Get a preview of a chatlist by its invite link
Available: 👤 users only
Invite link
Get information about a single chat member
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
User ID, username, phone number, "me"
or "self"
Chat member, or null
if user is not a member of the chat
Get a chunk of members of some chat.
You can retrieve up to 200 members at once
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
params: {Additional parameters
limit?: numberMaximum number of members to be retrieved.
Note: Telegram currently only allows you to ever retrieve at most 200 members, regardless of offset/limit. I.e. when passing
nothing will ever be returned.
offset?: numberSequential number of the first member to be returned.
query?: stringSearch query to filter members by their display names and usernames
Note: Only used for these values of
:all, banned, restricted, mention, contacts
type?: Type of the query. Can be:
: get all membersbanned
: get only banned membersrestricted
: get only restricted membersbots
: get only botsrecent
: get recent membersadmins
: get only administrators (and creator)contacts
: get only contactsmention
: get users that can be mentioned (see tl.RawChannelParticipantsMentions)Only used for channels and supergroups.
Get preview information about a private chat.
Available: 👤 users only
Invite link
MtPeerNotFoundError In case you are trying to get info about private chat that you have already joined. Use getChat or getFullChat instead.
Get information about a fragment collectible Available: 👤 users only
Get a list of common chats you have with a given user
Available: 👤 users only
User's ID, username or phone number
Given one or more messages, extract all unique custom emojis from it and fetch them Available: ✅ both users and bots
Get discussion message for some channel post.
Returns null
if the post does not have a discussion
This method might throw FLOOD_WAIT_X
error in case
the discussion message was not yet created. Error
is usually handled by the client, but if you disabled that,
you'll need to handle it manually.
Available: 👤 users only
Get fact check information for one or more messages in a chat
Available: 👤 users only
Chat where the messages are located
One or more message IDs
Get list of folders. Available: 👤 users only
Get forum topics
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
params: { limit?: number; offset?: GetForumTopicsOffset; query?: string }Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of topics to return.
offset?: GetForumTopicsOffsetOffset for pagination
query?: stringSearch query
Get forum topics by their IDs
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
Get full information about a chat.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
ID of the chat, its username or invite link
MtArgumentError In case you are trying to get info about private chat that you haven't joined. Use getChatPreview instead.
Get full information about a user.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
ID of the user or their username
Get high scores of a game Available: 🤖 bots only
userId?: InputPeerLike | undefinedID of the user to find high scores for
Get chat history.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
params: {Additional fetch parameters
addOffset?: numberAdditional offset from offset, in resulting messages.
This can be used for advanced use cases, like:
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -20, limit = 20
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -10, limit = 20
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
maxId?: numberMaximum message ID to return.
minId?: numberMinimum message ID to return
offset?: GetHistoryOffsetOffset for pagination
reverse?: booleanWhether to retrieve messages in reversed order (from older to recent), starting from offset (inclusive).
Note: Using
requires you to pass offset from which to start fetching the messages "downwards". If you callgetHistory
and without any offset, it will return an empty array.
Get high scores of a game from an inline message
Available: 🤖 bots only
ID of the inline message containing the game
userId: InputPeerLikeID of the user to find high scores for
Get a list of all installed sticker packs
Note: This method returns brief meta information about the packs, that does not include the stickers themselves. Use getStickerSet to get a stickerset that will include the stickers Available: 👤 users only
Get detailed information about an invite link
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
The invite link
Iterate over users who have joined the chat with the given invite link.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
params: {Additional params
limit?: numberMaximum number of users to return
link?: string | ChatInviteLinkInvite link for which to get members
offsetDate?: number | DateOffset request/join date used as an anchor for pagination.
offsetUser?: TypeInputUserOffset user used as an anchor for pagination
requested?: booleanWhether to get users who have requested to join the chat but weren't accepted yet
requestedSearch?: stringGet invite links created by some administrator in the chat.
As an administrator you can only get your own links
(i.e. adminId = "self"
), as a creator you can get
any other admin's links.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
params: {Optional
admin?: InputPeerLikeOnly return this admin's links.
limit?: numberLimit the number of invite links to be fetched.
offset?: GetInviteLinksOffsetOffset for pagination.
revoked?: booleanWhether to fetch revoked invite links
Get all messages inside of a message group
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Get reactions to Messages.
Note: messages must all be from the same chat.
Apps should short-poll reactions for visible messages (that weren't sent by the user) once every 15-30 seconds, but only if
is set
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Message IDs
Reactions to corresponding messages, or null
if there are none
Get reactions to messages by their IDs.
Apps should short-poll reactions for visible messages (that weren't sent by the user) once every 15-30 seconds, but only if
is set
Available: 👤 users only
ID of the chat with messages
Message IDs
Reactions to corresponding messages, or null
if there are none
Get messages in chat by their IDs
Fot messages that were not found, null
will be
returned at that position.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Messages IDs
fromReply: booleanWhether the reply to a given message should be fetched
(i.e. getMessages(,, true).id === msg.replyToMessageId
Get messages from PM or legacy group by their IDs. For channels, use getMessages.
Unlike getMessages, this method does not check if the message belongs to some chat.
Fot messages that were not found, null
will be
returned at that position.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Messages IDs
fromReply: booleanWhether the reply to a given message should be fetched
(i.e. getMessages(,, true).id === msg.replyToMessageId
Get a list of current bot's commands for the given command scope and user language. If they are not set, empty set is returned.
Learn more about scopes in the Bot API docs Available: 🤖 bots only
params: {Optional
langCode?: stringUser language applied to the scope.
scope?: BotCommands.IntermediateScope | TypeBotCommandScopeScope of the commands.
Get the list of sticker sets that were created by the current user Available: 👤 users only
Get dialogs with certain peers.
Available: 👤 users only
Peers for which to fetch dialogs.
Get stories of a given peer
Available: 👤 users only
Peer ID whose stories to fetch
dcId: numberGet primary invite link of a chat
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
Get a single profile picture of a user by its ID
Available: ✅ both users and bots
User ID, username, phone number, "me"
or "self"
ID of the photo to fetch
Get a list of profile pictures of a user
Available: ✅ both users and bots
User ID, username, phone number, "me"
or "self"
params: { limit?: number; offset?: number }Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of items to fetch (up to 100)
offset?: numberOffset from which to fetch.
Get profile stories Available: 👤 users only
params: { kind?: "pinned" | "archived"; limit?: number; offsetId?: number }Optional
kind?: "pinned" | "archived"Kind of stories to fetch
- stories pinned to the profile and visible to everyonearchived
- "archived" stories that can later be pinned, only visible to the ownerOptional
limit?: numberMaximum number of stories to fetch
offsetId?: numberOffset ID for pagination
Get users who have reacted to the message.
Available: 👤 users only
emoji?: InputReaction | undefinedGet only reactions with the specified emoji
limit?: numberLimit the number of users returned.
offset?: stringOffset for pagination
For messages containing a reply, fetch the message that is being replied.
Note that even if a message has replyToMessage,
the message itself may have been deleted, in which case
this method will also return null
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Get a list of saved star gifts of a user/channel
Note that filters currently only work for channels
excludeHidden?: booleanWhether to exclude hidden gifts
excludeLimited?: booleanWhether to exclude gifts with limited availability
excludePublic?: booleanWhether to exclude publicly visible gifts
excludeUnique?: booleanWhether to exclude unique gifts
excludeUnlimited?: booleanWhether to exclude gifts with unlimited availability
limit?: numberLimit for pagination
offset?: stringOffset for pagination
Peer to get saved gifts from
sortByValue?: booleanWhether to sort by value
Get one or more saved star gifts by their IDs
Get scheduled messages in chat by their IDs
Fot messages that were not found, null
will be
returned at that position.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Scheduled messages IDs
Get channels that are similar to a given channel
Note: This method only returns the channels that the current user is not subscribed to. For non-premium users, this method will only return a few channels (with the total number of similar channels being specified in
)Returns empty array in case there are no similar channels available. Available: 👤 users only
Get a list of gifts sent to a user.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
User whose gifts to fetch
params: { limit?: number; offset?: string }Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of gifts to fetch.
offset?: stringOffset for pagination.
Gifts sent to the user
Use getSavedStarGifts instead
The star gift to withdraw
2FA password
Get Telegram Stars transactions for a given peer.
You can either pass self
to get your own transactions,
or a chat/bot ID to get transactions of that peer.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Peer ID
params: {Additional parameters
direction?: "incoming" | "outgoing"If passed, only transactions of this direction will be returned
limit?: numberPagination limit
offset?: stringPagination offset
sort?: "asc" | "desc"Direction to sort transactions date by (default: desc)
subscriptionId?: stringIf passed, will only return transactions related to this subscription ID
Get a sticker set and stickers inside of it.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Sticker set identifier
Get one or more stories by their IDs
Available: 👤 users only
Peer ID whose stories to fetch
Story IDs
Get brief information about stories interactions.
The result will be in the same order as the input IDs Available: 👤 users only
Generate a link to a story.
Basically the link format is<username>/s/<story_id>
and if the user doesn't have a username, USER_PUBLIC_MISSING
is thrown.
I have no idea why is this an RPC call, but whatever Available: 👤 users only
Get viewers list of a story Available: 👤 users only
params: {Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of viewers to fetch
offset?: stringOffset ID for pagination
onlyContacts?: booleanWhether to only fetch viewers from contacts
query?: stringSearch query
sortBy?: "date" | "reaction"How to sort the results?
- by reaction (viewers who has reacted are first), then by date (newest first)date
- by date, newest firstGet information about a unique star gift by its slug
Get basic information about a user.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
ID of the user or their username or invite link
Get information about multiple users. You can retrieve up to 200 users at once.
Note that order is not guaranteed.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Users' identifiers. Can be ID, username, phone number, "me"
, "self"
or TL object
noDispatch: booleanApprove or decline multiple join requests to a chat. Available: 👤 users only
Whether to approve or decline the join requests
Chat/channel ID
link?: string | ChatInviteLinkInvite link to target
Approve or decline join request to a chat. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Whether to approve or decline the join request
Chat/channel ID
User ID
Hide own stories views (activate so called "stealth mode")
Currently has a cooldown of 1 hour, and throws FLOOD_WAIT error if it is on cooldown. Available: 👤 users only
params: { future?: boolean; past?: boolean }Optional
future?: booleanWhether to hide views for the next 25 minutes
past?: booleanWhether to hide views from the last 5 minutes
Import contacts to your Telegram contacts list.
Available: 👤 users only
List of contacts
force: booleanIncrement views of one or more stories.
This should be used for pinned stories, as they can't be marked as read when the user sees them (Story#isActive == false)
Available: 👤 users only
Peer ID whose stories to mark as read
ID(s) of the stories to increment views of (max 200)
Create a new takeout session
Available: 👤 users only
Takeout session parameters
Check whether a given peer ID can be used to actually
interact with the Telegram API.
This method checks the internal peers cache for the given
input peer, and returns true
if it is available there.
You can think of this method as a stripped down version of
resolvePeer, which only returns true
or false
Note: This method works offline and never sends any requests. This means that when passing a username or phone number, it will only return
if the user with that username/phone number is cached in the storage, and will not try to resolve the peer by calling the API, which may lead to false negatives.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Check if the given peer/input peer is referring to the current user Available: ✅ both users and bots
Iterate over all stories (e.g. to load the top bar)
Wrapper over getAllStories Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: { archived?: boolean; offset?: string } & { limit?: number }Optional
archived?: booleanWhether to fetch stories from "archived" (or "hidden") peers
offset?: stringOffset from which to fetch stories
limit?: numberMaximum number of stories to fetch
Iterate over boosters of a channel.
Wrapper over getBoosters Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: { limit?: number; offset?: string } & { chunkSize?: number; limit?: number }Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of boosters to fetch
offset?: stringOffset for pagination
chunkSize?: numberNumber of boosters to fetch per request Usually you don't need to change this
limit?: numberTotal number of boosters to fetch
Chat ID
params: {Optional
filters?: InputChatEventFiltersEvent filters. Can be a TL object, or one or more action types.
Note that some filters are grouped in TL
(i.e. info=true
will return title_changed
and many more),
and when passing one or more action types,
they will be filtered locally.
limit?: numberLimit the number of events returned.
Note: when using filters, there will likely be less events returned than specified here. This limit is only used to limit the number of events to fetch from the server.
If you need to limit the number of events returned, use iterChatEventLog instead.
maxId?: LongMaximum event ID to return, can be used as a base offset
minId?: LongMinimum event ID to return
query?: stringSearch query
users?: InputPeerLike[]List of users whose actions to return
chunkSize?: numberChunk size, passed as limit
to getChatEventLog.
Usually you don't need to touch this.
limit?: numberTotal number of events to return.
Iterate through chat members
This method is a small wrapper over getChatMembers, which also handles duplicate entries (i.e. does not yield the same member twice)
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
params: {Additional parameters
limit?: numberMaximum number of members to be retrieved.
Note: Telegram currently only allows you to ever retrieve at most 200 members, regardless of offset/limit. I.e. when passing
nothing will ever be returned.
offset?: numberSequential number of the first member to be returned.
query?: stringSearch query to filter members by their display names and usernames
Note: Only used for these values of
:all, banned, restricted, mention, contacts
type?: Type of the query. Can be:
: get all membersbanned
: get only banned membersrestricted
: get only restricted membersbots
: get only botsrecent
: get recent membersadmins
: get only administrators (and creator)contacts
: get only contactsmention
: get users that can be mentioned (see tl.RawChannelParticipantsMentions)Only used for channels and supergroups.
chunkSize?: numberChunk size, which will be passed as limit
to getChatMembers. Usually you shouldn't care about this.
Iterate over dialogs.
Note that due to Telegram API limitations, ordering here can only be anti-chronological (i.e. newest - first), and draft update date is not considered when sorting.
Available: 👤 users only
params: {Fetch parameters
archived?: "exclude" | "only" | "keep"How to handle archived chats?
Whether to keep
them among other dialogs,
them from the list, or only
return archived dialogs
Ignored for folders, since folders themselves contain information about archived chats.
Note: when
will act asonly
because of Telegram API limitations.
chunkSize?: numberChunk size which will be passed to messages.getDialogs
You shouldn't usually care about this.
filter?: Partial<Omit<RawDialogFilter, "_" | "id" | "title">>Additional filtering for the dialogs.
If folder
is not provided, this filter is used instead.
If folder
is provided, fields from this object are used
to override filters inside the folder.
folder?: InputDialogFolderFolder from which the dialogs will be fetched.
You can pass folder object, id or title
Note that passing anything except object will cause the list of the folders to be fetched, and passing a title may fetch from a wrong folder if you have multiple with the same title.
Also note that fetching dialogs in a folder is orders of magnitudes* slower than normal because of Telegram API limitations - we have to fetch all dialogs and filter the ones we need manually. If possible, use Dialog.filterFolder instead.
When a folder with given ID or title is not found, MtArgumentError is thrown
limit?: numberLimits the number of dialogs to be received.
offsetDate?: number | DateOffset message date used as an anchor for pagination.
offsetId?: numberOffset message ID used as an anchor for pagination
offsetPeer?: TypeInputPeerOffset peer used as an anchor for pagination
pinned?: "include" | "exclude" | "only" | "keep"How to handle pinned dialogs?
Whether to include
them at the start of the list,
them at all, or only
return pinned dialogs.
Additionally, for folders you can specify
, which will return pinned dialogs
ordered by date among other non-pinned dialogs.
Note: When using
mode with folders, pinned dialogs will only be fetched if all offset parameters are unset.
Iterate over forum topics. Wrapper over getForumTopics.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
params: { limit?: number; offset?: GetForumTopicsOffset; query?: string } & {Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of topics to return.
offset?: GetForumTopicsOffsetOffset for pagination
query?: stringSearch query
chunkSize?: numberChunk size. Usually you shouldn't care about this.
limit?: numberMaximum number of topics to return.
Iterate over chat history. Wrapper over getHistory
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat's marked ID, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
params: {Additional fetch parameters
addOffset?: numberAdditional offset from offset, in resulting messages.
This can be used for advanced use cases, like:
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -20, limit = 20
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -10, limit = 20
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
maxId?: numberMaximum message ID to return.
minId?: numberMinimum message ID to return
offset?: GetHistoryOffsetOffset for pagination
reverse?: booleanWhether to retrieve messages in reversed order (from older to recent), starting from offset (inclusive).
Note: Using
requires you to pass offset from which to start fetching the messages "downwards". If you callgetHistory
and without any offset, it will return an empty array.
chunkSize?: numberChunk size. Usually you shouldn't care about this.
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
Iterate over users who have joined the chat with the given invite link.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
params: {Additional params
limit?: numberMaximum number of users to return
link?: string | ChatInviteLinkInvite link for which to get members
offsetDate?: number | DateOffset request/join date used as an anchor for pagination.
offsetUser?: TypeInputUserOffset user used as an anchor for pagination
requested?: booleanWhether to get users who have requested to join the chat but weren't accepted yet
requestedSearch?: stringOptional
chunkSize?: numberChunk size which will be passed to messages.getChatInviteImporters
You shouldn't usually care about this.
limit?: numberMaximum number of users to return
Iterate over invite links created by some administrator in the chat.
As an administrator you can only get your own links
(i.e. adminId = "self"
), as a creator you can get
any other admin's links.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
params: {Optional
admin?: InputPeerLikeOnly return this admin's links.
limit?: numberLimit the number of invite links to be fetched.
offset?: GetInviteLinksOffsetOffset for pagination.
revoked?: booleanWhether to fetch revoked invite links
chunkSize?: numberSize of chunks which are fetched. Usually not needed.
limit?: numberLimit the number of invite links to be fetched. By default, all links are fetched.
Iterate over profile photos
Available: ✅ both users and bots
User ID, username, phone number, "me"
or "self"
params: { limit?: number; offset?: number } & { chunkSize?: number; limit?: number }Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of items to fetch (up to 100)
offset?: numberOffset from which to fetch.
chunkSize?: numberSize of chunks which are fetched. Usually not needed.
limit?: numberMaximum number of items to fetch
Iterate over profile stories. Wrapper over getProfileStories Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: { kind?: "pinned" | "archived"; limit?: number; offsetId?: number } & {Optional
kind?: "pinned" | "archived"Kind of stories to fetch
- stories pinned to the profile and visible to everyonearchived
- "archived" stories that can later be pinned, only visible to the ownerOptional
limit?: numberMaximum number of stories to fetch
offsetId?: numberOffset ID for pagination
chunkSize?: numberNumber of stories to fetch per request. Usually you shouldn't care about this.
limit?: numberTotal number of stories to fetch
Iterate over users who have reacted to the message.
Wrapper over getReactionUsers.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
chunkSize?: numberChunk size, usually not needed.
limit?: numberLimit the number of events returned.
Iterate over saved star gifts of a user, wrapper over getSavedStarGifts
excludeLimited?: booleanWhether to exclude gifts with limited availability
excludeSaved?: booleanWhether to exclude saved gifts
excludeUnique?: booleanWhether to exclude unique gifts
excludeUnlimited?: booleanWhether to exclude gifts with unlimited availability
excludeUnsaved?: booleanWhether to exclude unsaved gifts
limit?: numberLimit for pagination
offset?: stringOffset for pagination
Peer to get saved gifts from
sortByValue?: booleanWhether to sort by value
Search for messages globally from all of your chats.
Iterable version of searchGlobal
Note: Due to Telegram limitations, you can only get up to ~10000 messages
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: {Search parameters
filter?: TypeMessagesFilterFilter the results using some filter. (see SearchFilters)
SearchFilters.Empty (i.e. will return all messages)
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
maxDate?: number | DateOnly return messages older than this date
minDate?: number | DateOnly return messages newer than this date
offset?: SearchGlobalOffsetOffset data used for pagination
onlyChannels?: booleanWhether to only search across broadcast channels
query?: stringText query string. Use "@"
to search for mentions.
chunkSize?: numberChunk size, which will be passed as limit
. Usually you shouldn't care about this.
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
Perform a global hashtag search, across the entire Telegram
Iterable version of searchHashtag
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Hashtag to search for
params: { limit?: number; offset?: SearchHashtagOffset } & {Additional parameters
limit?: numberLimit the number of results
offset?: SearchHashtagOffsetOffset for the search
chunkSize?: numberChunk size, which will be passed as limit
. Usually you shouldn't care about this.
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
Search for messages inside a specific chat
Iterable version of searchMessages
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: {Additional search parameters
addOffset?: numberAdditional offset from offset, in resulting messages.
This can be used for advanced use cases, like:
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -20, limit = 20
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -10, limit = 20
When offset is not set, this will be relative to the last message
chatId?: InputPeerLikeChat where to search for messages.
When empty, will search across common message box (i.e. private messages and legacy chats)
filter?: TypeMessagesFilterFilter the results using some filter (see SearchFilters)
SearchFilters.Empty (i.e. will return all messages)
fromUser?: InputPeerLikeSearch only for messages sent by a specific user.
You can pass their marked ID, username, phone or "me"
or "self"
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
maxDate?: number | DateMaximum message date to return
maxId?: numberOptional
minDate?: number | DateMinimum message date to return
minId?: numberMinimum message ID to return
offset?: numberOffset ID for the search. Only messages earlier than this ID will be returned.
query?: stringText query string. Required for text-only messages, optional for media.
threadId?: numberThread ID to return only messages from this thread.
chunkSize?: numberChunk size, which will be passed as limit
. Usually you shouldn't care about this.
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
Peer ID
params: { limit?: number; offset?: string } & { chunkSize?: number; limit?: number }Additional parameters
limit?: numberMaximum number of gifts to fetch.
offset?: stringOffset for pagination.
chunkSize?: numberNumber of gifts to fetch per request Usually you don't need to change this
limit?: numberTotal number of gifts to fetch
Iterate over Telegram Stars transactions for a given peer.
You can either pass self
to get your own transactions,
or a chat/bot ID to get transactions of that peer.
Wrapper over getStarsTransactions
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Peer ID
params: {Additional parameters
direction?: "incoming" | "outgoing"If passed, only transactions of this direction will be returned
limit?: numberPagination limit
offset?: stringPagination offset
sort?: "asc" | "desc"Direction to sort transactions date by (default: desc)
subscriptionId?: stringIf passed, will only return transactions related to this subscription ID
chunkSize?: numberNumber of boosters to fetch per request Usually you don't need to change this
limit?: numberTotal number of boosters to fetch
Iterate over viewers list of a story. Wrapper over getStoryViewers Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: {Optional
limit?: numberMaximum number of viewers to fetch
offset?: stringOffset ID for pagination
onlyContacts?: booleanWhether to only fetch viewers from contacts
query?: stringSearch query
sortBy?: "date" | "reaction"How to sort the results?
- by reaction (viewers who has reacted are first), then by date (newest first)date
- by date, newest firstOptional
chunkSize?: numberNumber of viewers to fetch per request. Usually you don't need to change this.
limit?: numberTotal number of viewers to fetch
Join a channel or supergroup
When using with invite links, this method may throw RPC error
, which means that you need to wait for admin approval.
You will get into the chat once they do so.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat identifier. Either an invite link (*
), a username (@username
or ID of the linked supergroup or channel.
Join a chatlist by its link
Available: 👤 users only
Invite link to the chatlist
params: { peers?: MaybeArray<InputPeerLike> }Additional parameters
peers?: MaybeArray<InputPeerLike>Chats to join from the chatlist (all by default)
Folder representing the chatlist
Kick a user from a chat.
This effectively bans a user and immediately unbans them.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
User ID
Service message about removed user, if one was generated.
Leave a group chat, supergroup or channel
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
params: { clear?: boolean }Optional
clear?: booleanWhether to clear history after leaving (only for legacy group chats)
Log out from Telegram account and optionally reset the session storage.
When you log out, you can immediately log back in using the same TelegramClient instance.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
On success, true
is returned
Mark a chat as unread
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
Move a sticker in a sticker set to another position
For bots the sticker set must have been created by this bot.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, or a TL object representing a sticker to be removed
New sticker position (starting from 0)
Modified sticker set
Inform the library that the user has opened a chat.
Some library logic depends on this, for example, the library will periodically ping the server to keep the updates flowing.
Warning: Opening a chat with
method will make the library make additional requests every so often. Which means that you should avoid opening more than 5-10 chats at once, as it will probably trigger server-side limits and you might start getting transport errors or even get banned.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat to open
Open a webview. Available: 👤 users only
Bot whose webview to open
chat?: InputPeerLikeChat to report to the server as the "currently open chat",
also the chat to which the message will be sent in case of
, from_bot_menu
and from_attach_menu
Webview platform to use in the init data
Some of the known values:
- Android clientsios
- iOS clientstdesktop
- Telegram Desktopmacos
- Telegram for macOSunigram
- UnigramOptional
theme?: Theme parameters to pass to the mini app
Each value should be a string (hex-encoded RGB, no alpha)
Information about the webview to open
Pin a message in a group, supergroup, channel or PM.
For supergroups/channels, you must have appropriate permissions, either as an admin, or as default permissions
Available: ✅ both users and bots
bothSides?: booleanWhether to pin for both sides (only for private chats)
notify?: booleanWhether to send a notification (only for legacy groups and supergroups)
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) to the client's update handler.
Service message about pinned message, if one was generated.
Prepare an inline message result to be sent later via the
mini-app api method.
Available: 🤖 bots only
filter?: Filters for the client to use when prompting the user for the chat to send the inline message to.
Note that this is just a hint for the client, and the client is free to ignore it.
Send a media in reply to a given quote
Index of the last character to quote (exclusive)
Index of the first character to quote (inclusive)
toChatId?: InputPeerLikeDestination chat ID, username, phone, "me"
or "self"
Media to send
Send a media group in reply to a given quote
Index of the last character to quote (exclusive)
Index of the first character to quote (inclusive)
toChatId?: InputPeerLikeDestination chat ID, username, phone, "me"
or "self"
Media group to send
Send a text in reply to a given quote
Index of the last character to quote (exclusive)
Index of the first character to quote (inclusive)
toChatId?: InputPeerLikeDestination chat ID, username, phone, "me"
or "self"
Text to send
Mark chat history as read.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
params: { clearMentions?: boolean; maxId?: number; shouldDispatch?: true }Optional
clearMentions?: booleanWhether to also clear all mentions in the chat
maxId?: numberMessage up until which to read history
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch updates that will be generated by this call.
Doesn't follow disableNoDispatch
Mark all reactions in chat as read.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
params: { shouldDispatch?: true }Optional
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch updates that will be generated by this call.
Doesn't follow disableNoDispatch
Mark all stories up to a given ID as read
This should only be used for "active" stories (Story#isActive == false)
Available: 👤 users only
Peer ID whose stories to mark as read
IDs of the stores that were marked as read
Reorder pinned forum topics
Only admins with manageTopics
permission can do this.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
force?: booleanWhether to un-pin topics not present in the order
Order of the pinned topics
Reorder usernames
Available: 👤 users only
Bot, channel or "me"/"self"
Replace a sticker in a sticker set with another sticker
For bots the sticker set must have been created by this bot.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, or a TL object representing a sticker to be removed
New sticker to replace the old one with
params: { progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }Optional
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidUpload progress callback
Modfiied sticker set
Send a media in reply to a given message
Send a media group in reply to a given message
Send a text in reply to a given message
Re-send the confirmation code using a different type.
The type of the code to be re-sent is specified in the nextType
attribute of
SentCode object returned by sendCode
Available: 👤 users only
abortSignal?: AbortSignalAbort signal
Phone number in international format
Confirmation code identifier from SentCode
Shorthand for resolvePeer
that converts the input peer to InputChannel
Available: ✅ both users and bots
force: booleanGet the InputPeer
of a known peer id.
Useful when an InputPeer
is needed in Raw API.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
The peer identifier that you want to extract the InputPeer
force: booleanWhether to force re-fetch the peer from the server (only for usernames and phone numbers)
Get multiple InputPeer
s at once,
while also normalizing and removing
peers that can't be normalized to that type.
If a peer was not found, it will be skipped.
Uses async pool internally, with a concurrent limit of 8
Peer Ids
Normalization function
Get multiple InputPeer
s at once.
If a peer was not found, null
will be returned instead
Uses async pool internally, with a concurrent limit of 8
Peer Ids
Shorthand for resolvePeer
that converts the input peer to InputUser
Available: ✅ both users and bots
force: booleanRestrict a user in a supergroup. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
Restrictions for the user. Note that unlike Bot API, this object contains
the restrictions, and not the permissions, i.e.
passing sendMessages=true
will disallow the user to send messages,
and passing {}
(empty object) will lift any restrictions
until?: number | DateDate when the user will be unrestricted.
When number
is passed, UNIX time in ms is expected.
If this value is less than 30 seconds or more than 366 days in
the future, user will be restricted forever.
User ID
Revoke an invite link.
If link
is a primary invite link, a new invite link will be
generated automatically by Telegram
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
Invite link to revoke
If link
is a primary invite, newly generated invite link, otherwise the revoked link
Simple wrapper that calls start and then
provided callback function (if any) without the
need to introduce a main()
function manually.
Errors that were encountered while calling start
and then
will be emitted as usual, and can be caught with onError
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Parameters to be passed to start
abortSignal?: AbortSignalAbort signal
botToken?: MaybeDynamic<string>Bot token to use. Ignored if phone
is supplied.
code?: MaybeDynamic<string>Code sent to the phone (either sms, call, flash call or other).
Ignored if botToken
is supplied, must be present if phone
is supplied.
codeSentCallback?: (code: SentCode) => MaybePromise<void>Custom method that is called when a code is sent. Can be used to show a GUI alert of some kind.
This method is called before start.params.code.
codeSettings?: Omit<RawCodeSettings, "_" | "logoutTokens">Additional code settings to pass to the server
forceSms?: booleanWhether to force code delivery through SMS
futureAuthTokens?: Uint8Array[]Saved future auth tokens, if any
invalidCodeCallback?: (type: "code" | "password") => MaybePromise<void>If passed, this function will be called if provided code or 2FA password was invalid. New code/password will be requested later.
If provided code
is a constant string, providing an
invalid one will interrupt authorization flow.
password?: MaybeDynamic<string>2FA password. Ignored if botToken
is supplied
phone?: MaybeDynamic<string>Phone number of the account. If account does not exist, it will be created
qrCodeHandler?: (url: string, expires: Date) => voidWhen passed, QR login flow will be used instead of the regular login flow.
This function will be called whenever the login URL is changed, and the app is expected to display it as a QR code to the user.
session?: string | InputStringSessionDataString session exported using TelegramClient.exportSession.
This simply calls TelegramClient.importSession before anything else.
Note that passed session will be ignored in case storage already contains authorization.
sessionForce?: booleanWhether to overwrite existing session.
then: (user: User) => void | Promise<void>Function to be called after start returns
This method provides no real value over start, please use it instead
Save or delete a draft message associated with some chat
Available: 👤 users only
ID of the chat, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Draft message, or null
to delete.
Search for messages globally from all of your chats
Note: Due to Telegram limitations, you can only get up to ~10000 messages
Available: 👤 users only
params: {Search parameters
filter?: TypeMessagesFilterFilter the results using some filter. (see SearchFilters)
SearchFilters.Empty (i.e. will return all messages)
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
maxDate?: number | DateOnly return messages older than this date
minDate?: number | DateOnly return messages newer than this date
offset?: SearchGlobalOffsetOffset data used for pagination
onlyChannels?: booleanWhether to only search across broadcast channels
query?: stringText query string. Use "@"
to search for mentions.
Perform a global hashtag search, across the entire Telegram
Available: 👤 users only
Hashtag to search for
params: { limit?: number; offset?: SearchHashtagOffset }Additional parameters
limit?: numberLimit the number of results
offset?: SearchHashtagOffsetOffset for the search
Search for messages inside a specific chat
Available: 👤 users only
params: {Additional search parameters
addOffset?: numberAdditional offset from offset, in resulting messages.
This can be used for advanced use cases, like:
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -20, limit = 20
offset = MSGID, addOffset = -10, limit = 20
When offset is not set, this will be relative to the last message
chatId?: InputPeerLikeChat where to search for messages.
When empty, will search across common message box (i.e. private messages and legacy chats)
filter?: TypeMessagesFilterFilter the results using some filter (see SearchFilters)
SearchFilters.Empty (i.e. will return all messages)
fromUser?: InputPeerLikeSearch only for messages sent by a specific user.
You can pass their marked ID, username, phone or "me"
or "self"
limit?: numberLimits the number of messages to be retrieved.
maxDate?: number | DateMaximum message date to return
maxId?: numberOptional
minDate?: number | DateMinimum message date to return
minId?: numberMinimum message ID to return
offset?: numberOffset ID for the search. Only messages earlier than this ID will be returned.
query?: stringText query string. Required for text-only messages, optional for media.
threadId?: numberThread ID to return only messages from this thread.
Send the confirmation code to the given phone number
Available: 👤 users only
abortSignal?: AbortSignalAbort signal
codeSettings?: Omit<RawCodeSettings, "_" | "logoutTokens">Additional code settings to pass to the server
futureAuthTokens?: Uint8Array[]Saved future auth tokens, if any
Phone number in international format
An object containing information about the sent confirmation code
Copy a message (i.e. send the same message, but do not forward it).
Note that if the message contains a webpage, it will be copied simply as a text message, and if the message contains an invoice, it can't be copied. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Source chat ID
Message ID to forward
Copy a message group (i.e. send the same message group, but do not forward it).
Note that all the provided messages must be in the same message group Available: ✅ both users and bots
Source chat ID
Message IDs to forward
Send a single media (a photo or a document-based media)
Available: ✅ both users and bots
ID of the chat, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Media contained in the message. You can also pass TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, which will be wrapped in
params: CommonSendParams & {Additional sending parameters
caption?: InputTextOverride caption for media
Can be used, for example. when using File IDs or when using existing InputMedia objects.
invert?: booleanWhether to invert media position.
Currently only supported for web previews and makes the client render the preview above the caption and not below.
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidFunction that will be called after some part has been uploaded. Only used when a file that requires uploading is passed, and not used when uploading a thumbnail.
replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkupFor bots: inline or reply markup or an instruction to hide a reply keyboard or to force a reply.
Send a group of media.
To add a caption to the group, add caption to the first media in the group and don't add caption for any other.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
ID of the chat, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Medias contained in the message.
params: CommonSendParams & {Additional sending parameters
invertMedia?: booleanWhether to invert media position.
Currently only supported for web previews and makes the client render the preview above the caption and not below.
progressCallback?: (index: number, uploaded: number, total: number) => voidFunction that will be called after some part has been uploaded. Only used when a file that requires uploading is passed, and not used when uploading a thumbnail.
Change user status to offline or online once, which will expire after a while (currently ~5 minutes)
For continuously sending online/offline status, use setOnline
Available: 👤 users only
Whether the user is currently online
Send a paid reaction using Telegram Stars.
Available: 👤 users only
anonymous?: booleanWhether to send the reaction anonymously
count?: numberNumber of reactions to send
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned edit message event to the client's update handler.
Message to which the reaction was sent, if available. The message is normally available for users, but may not be available for bots in PMs.
Send or remove a reaction.
Available: 👤 users only
big?: booleanWhether to use a big reaction
emoji?: MaybeArray<InputReaction> | null | undefinedReaction emoji (or null
to remove reaction)
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned edit message event to the client's update handler.
Message to which the reaction was sent, if available. The message is normally available for users, but may not be available for bots in PMs.
Send previously scheduled message(s)
Note that if the message belongs to a media group, the entire group will be sent, and all the messages will be returned.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat where the messages were scheduled
ID(s) of the messages
Send a star gift to a user.
Note: this method is not indended to be used by full-fledged clients, as this method hides the actual invoice and payment form from the user. For GUI clients, you should refer to the method's source code and present the payment form to the user.
Available: 👤 users only
anonymous?: booleanWhether to send the gift anonymously (i.e. if the recipient chooses to display the gift on their profile, your name won't be visible)
ID of the gift to send
message?: InputTextMessage to send along with the gift
ID of the peer to send the gift to
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the new message event to the client's update handler.
withUpgrade?: booleanWhether to automatically upgrade the gift to a unique star gift
Service message about the sent gift, if one was generated.
Send a story
Available: 👤 users only
caption?: InputTextOverride caption for media
forbidForwards?: booleanWhether to disallow sharing this story
interactiveElements?: TypeMediaArea[]Interactive elements to add to the story
Media contained in a story. Currently can only be a photo or a video.
You can also pass TDLib and Bot API compatible File ID, which will be wrapped in
peer?: InputPeerLikePeer ID to send story as
period?: numberTTL period of the story, in seconds
pinned?: booleanWhether to automatically pin this story to the profile
privacyRules?: InputPrivacyRule[]Privacy rules to apply to the story
Created story
Send (or remove) a reaction to a story Available: 👤 users only
addToRecent?: booleanWhether to add this reaction to recently used
Send a text message
Available: ✅ both users and bots
ID of the chat, its username, phone or "me"
or "self"
Text of the message
params: CommonSendParams & {Additional sending parameters
disableWebPreview?: booleanWhether to disable links preview in this message
invertMedia?: booleanWhether to invert media position.
Currently only supported for web previews and makes the client render the preview above the caption and not below.
replyMarkup?: ReplyMarkupFor bots: inline or reply markup or an instruction to hide a reply keyboard or to force a reply.
Sends a current user/bot typing event to a conversation partner or group.
This status is set for 6 seconds, and is automatically cancelled if you send a message.
If you need a continuous typing status, use setTyping instead.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
status: Typing status
params: { businessConnectionId?: string; progress?: number; threadId?: number }Optional
businessConnectionId?: stringUnique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the action will be sent
progress?: numberFor upload_*
and history import actions, progress of the upload
threadId?: numberFor comment threads, ID of the thread (i.e. top message)
Send or retract a vote in a poll. Available: 👤 users only
Selected options, or null
to retract.
You can pass indexes of the answers or the Buffer
representing them. In case of indexes, the poll will first
be requested from the server.
Sets information about a bot the current uzer owns (or the current bot) Available: ✅ both users and bots
bio?: stringNew bio text (displayed in the profile)
bot?: InputPeerLikeWhen called by a user, a bot the user owns must be specified. When called by a bot, must be empty
description?: stringNew description text (displayed when the chat is empty)
langCode?: stringIf passed, will update the bot's description in the given language. If left empty, will change the fallback description.
name?: stringNew bot name
Sets a menu button for the given user. Available: 🤖 bots only
Set current user's business introduction.
Available: 👤 users only
Introduction parameters, or null
to remove
description?: stringDescription of the introduction
sticker?: TypeInputDocument | InputFileLike | InputMediaStickerSticker to show beneath the introduction
title?: stringTitle of the introduction
Set current user's business work hours. Available: 👤 users only
Set peer color and optionally background pattern Available: 👤 users only
backgroundEmojiId?: LongBackground pattern emoji ID.
Must be an adaptive emoji, otherwise the request will fail.
Color identificator
Note that this value is not an RGB color representation. Instead, it is a number which should be used to pick a color from a predefined list of colors:
are the default colors used by Telegram clients:
red, orange, purple, green, sea, blue, pink
>= 7
are returned by help.getAppConfig
forProfile?: booleanWhether to set this color for the profile header instead of chat name/replies.
Currently only available for the current user.
peer?: InputPeerLikePeer where to update the color.
By default will change the color for the current user
Change default chat permissions for all members.
You must be an administrator in the chat and have appropriate permissions.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
Restrictions for the chat. Note that unlike Bot API, this object contains
the restrictions, and not the permissions, i.e.
passing sendMessages=true
will disallow the users to send messages,
and passing {}
(empty object) will lift any restrictions
Change chat description
You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
New chat description, 0-255 characters
Set a new chat photo or video.
You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
Input media file
previewSec?: numberWhen type = video
, timestamp in seconds which will be shown
as a static preview.
Media type (photo or video)
Set group sticker set for a supergroup
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Sticker set short name or a TL object with input sticker set
Modified sticker set
Change chat title
You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
New chat title, 1-255 characters
Set maximum Time-To-Live of all newly sent messages in the specified chat
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID
New TTL period, in seconds (or 0 to disable)
Change supergroup/channel username
You must be an administrator and have the appropriate permissions.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or current username
New username, or null
to remove
Set an emoji status for the given user/chat
You can change emoji status of:
)Custom emoji ID or null
to remove the emoji
isCollectible?: booleanWhen true, emoji
is the ID of the collectible emoji
User or chat where the emoji status should be set
until?: number | DateDate when the emoji status should expire (only if emoji
is not null
Set a score of a user in a game
Available: 🤖 bots only
force?: booleanWhether to allow user's score to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters
noEdit?: booleanWhen true
, the game message will not be modified
to include the new score
The new score (must be >0)
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the edit message event to the client's update handler.
ID of the user who has scored
The modified message
Set a score of a user in a game contained in an inline message
Available: 🤖 bots only
force?: booleanWhether to allow user's score to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters
ID of the inline message
noEdit?: booleanWhen true
, the game message will not be modified
to include the new score
The new score (must be >0)
ID of the user who has scored
Set or remove current user's birthday. Available: 👤 users only
Birthday day
Birthday month
year?: numberBirthday year (optional)
Set or delete commands for the current bot and the given scope
Learn more about scopes in the Bot API docs Available: 🤖 bots only
New list of bot commands for the given scope.
Pass empty array or null
to delete them.
langCode?: stringUser language applied to the scope.
scope?: BotCommands.IntermediateScope | TypeBotCommandScopeScope of the commands.
Sets the default chat permissions for the bot in the supergroup or channel. Available: 🤖 bots only
The default chat permissions.
Whether to target groups or channels.
Set an emoji status for the current user
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: { until?: number | Date }Optional
until?: number | DateDate when the emoji status should expire (only if emoji
is not null
– use setEmojiStatus with self
Set a new profile photo or video for the current user.
You can also pass a file ID or an InputPhoto to re-use existing photo. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Input media file
previewSec?: numberWhen type = video
, timestamp in seconds which will be shown as a static preview.
Media type (photo or video)
Change username of the current user.
Note that bots usernames must be changed through bot support or re-created from scratch.
Available: 👤 users only
New username (5-32 chars, allowed chars: a-zA-Z0-9_
), or null
to remove
Set supergroup's slow mode interval.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
seconds: numberSlow mode interval in seconds.
Users will be able to send a message only once per this interval.
Valid values are: 0 (off), 10, 30, 60 (1m), 300 (5m), 900 (15m) or 3600 (1h)
Set sticker set thumbnail
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Sticker set short name or a TL object with input sticker set
Sticker set thumbnail
params: { progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => void }Optional
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidUpload progress callback
Modified sticker set
Sets whether a user is typing in a specific chat
This status is automatically renewed by mtcute until a further
call with cancel
is made, or a message is sent to the chat.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
businessConnectionId?: stringUnique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the action will be sent
Chat ID where the user is currently typing
progress?: numberFor upload_*
and history import actions, progress of the upload
status?: Typing status to send
threadId?: numberFor comment threads, ID of the thread (i.e. top message)
Authorize a user in Telegram with a valid confirmation code.
Available: 👤 users only
abortSignal?: AbortSignalAbort signal
Phone number in international format
The confirmation code that was received
Code identifier from sendCode
If the code was valid and authorization succeeded, the User is returned.
Authorize a bot using its token issued by @BotFather
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Bot token issued by BotFather
Bot's User object
Execute the QR login flow.
This method will resolve once the authorization is complete, returning the authorized user. Available: 👤 users only
abortSignal?: AbortSignalAbort signal
invalidPasswordCallback?: () => MaybePromise<void>Function that will be called after the server has rejected the password.
Note that in case password is not a function, this callback will never be called, and an error will be thrown instead.
onQrScanned?: () => voidFunction that will be called when the user has scanned the QR code
(i.e. when updateLoginToken
is received), and the library is finalizing the auth
Function that will be called whenever the login URL is changed.
The app is expected to display url
as a QR code to the user
password?: MaybeDynamic<string>Password for 2FA
Start the client in an interactive and declarative manner, by providing callbacks for authorization details.
This method handles both login and sign up, and also handles 2FV
All parameters are MaybeDynamic<T>
, meaning you
can either supply T
, or a function that returns MaybePromise<T>
This method is intended for simple and fast use in automated scripts and bots. If you are developing a custom client, you'll probably need to use other auth methods. Available: ✅ both users and bots
abortSignal?: AbortSignalAbort signal
botToken?: MaybeDynamic<string>Bot token to use. Ignored if phone
is supplied.
code?: MaybeDynamic<string>Code sent to the phone (either sms, call, flash call or other).
Ignored if botToken
is supplied, must be present if phone
is supplied.
codeSentCallback?: (code: SentCode) => MaybePromise<void>Custom method that is called when a code is sent. Can be used to show a GUI alert of some kind.
This method is called before start.params.code.
codeSettings?: Omit<RawCodeSettings, "_" | "logoutTokens">Additional code settings to pass to the server
forceSms?: booleanWhether to force code delivery through SMS
futureAuthTokens?: Uint8Array[]Saved future auth tokens, if any
invalidCodeCallback?: (type: "code" | "password") => MaybePromise<void>If passed, this function will be called if provided code or 2FA password was invalid. New code/password will be requested later.
If provided code
is a constant string, providing an
invalid one will interrupt authorization flow.
password?: MaybeDynamic<string>2FA password. Ignored if botToken
is supplied
phone?: MaybeDynamic<string>Phone number of the account. If account does not exist, it will be created
qrCodeHandler?: (url: string, expires: Date) => voidWhen passed, QR login flow will be used instead of the regular login flow.
This function will be called whenever the login URL is changed, and the app is expected to display it as a QR code to the user.
session?: string | InputStringSessionDataString session exported using TelegramClient.exportSession.
This simply calls TelegramClient.importSession before anything else.
Note that passed session will be ignored in case storage already contains authorization.
sessionForce?: booleanWhether to overwrite existing session.
Utility function to quickly authorize on test DC using a Test phone number, which is randomly generated by default.
Note: Using this method assumes that you are using a test DC in
Available: ✅ both users and bots
params: { dcId?: number; logout?: boolean; phone?: string }Additional parameters
dcId?: numberOverride user's DC. Must be a valid test DC.
logout?: booleanWhether to log out if current session is logged in.
phone?: stringOverride phone number. Must be a valid Test phone number.
By default is randomly generated.
Set whether a chat has content protection (i.e. forwarding messages is disabled)
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
enabled: booleanWhether content protection should be enabled
Give or revoke permission for a bot to update emoji status for your account Available: 👤 users only
Whether to grant or revoke permission
Bot to which the permission should be granted/revoked
Set whether a supergroup is a forum.
Only owner of the supergroup can change this setting.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
enabled: booleanWhether the supergroup should be a forum
Toggle open/close status of a topic in a forum
Only admins with manageTopics
permission can do this.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
Whether the topic should be closed
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) to the client's update handler.
ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID)
Service message about the modification
Toggle whether a topic in a forum is pinned
Only admins with manageTopics
permission can do this.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
Whether the topic should be pinned
ID of the topic (i.e. its top message ID)
Toggle a collectible (Fragment) username
Note: non-collectible usernames must still be changed using setUsername/setChatUsername Available: 👤 users only
Whether to enable or disable the username
Peer ID whose username to toggle
Username to toggle
Toggle whether "General" topic in a forum is hidden or not
Only admins with manageTopics
permission can do this.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID or username
Whether the topic should be hidden
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the returned service message (if any) to the client's update handler.
Service message about the modification
Set whether a channel/supergroup has join requests enabled.
Note: this method only affects primary invite links. Additional invite links may exist with the opposite setting.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
enabled: booleanWhether join requests should be enabled
Set whether a channel/supergroup has join-to-send setting enabled.
This only affects discussion groups where users can send messages without joining the group.
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID or username
enabled: booleanWhether join-to-send setting should be enabled
Toggle whether peer's stories are archived (hidden) or not.
This does not archive the chat with that peer, only stories. Available: 👤 users only
Toggle one or more stories pinned status
Available: 👤 users only
Story ID(s) to toggle
peer?: InputPeerLikePeer ID whose stories to toggle
Whether to pin or unpin the story
IDs of stories that were toggled
Transfer a unique star gift.
Note: this method is not indended to be used by full-fledged clients, as this method hides the actual invoice and payment form from the user. For GUI clients, you should refer to the method's source code and present the payment form to the user.
Available: 👤 users only
Star gift to transfer
ID of the user to transfer the gift to
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the new message event to the client's update handler.
Service message about the transferred gift, if one was generated.
Translate message text to a given language.
Returns null
if it could not translate the message.
Available: 👤 users only
Target language (two-letter ISO 639-1 language code)
Translate text to a given language.
Available: 👤 users only
Text to translate
Target language (two-letter ISO 639-1 language code)
Unarchive one or more chats
Available: 👤 users only
Chat ID(s), username(s), phone number(s), "me"
or "self"
Unban a user/channel from a supergroup or a channel, or remove any restrictions that they have. Unbanning does not add the user back to the chat, this just allows the user to join the chat again, if they want.
This method acts as a no-op in case a legacy group is passed. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
User/channel ID who should be unbanned
Unblock a user
Available: 👤 users only
User ID, username or phone number
Unpin all pinned messages in a chat.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat or user ID
params: { shouldDispatch?: true; topicId?: number }Optional
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch updates that will be generated by this call.
Doesn't follow disableNoDispatch
topicId?: numberFor forums - unpin only messages from the given topic
Unpin a message in a group, supergroup, channel or PM.
For supergroups/channels, you must have appropriate permissions, either as an admin, or as default permissions
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Unban a user/channel from a supergroup or a channel, or remove any restrictions that they have. Unbanning does not add the user back to the chat, this just allows the user to join the chat again, if they want.
This method acts as a no-op in case a legacy group is passed. Available: ✅ both users and bots
Chat ID
User/channel ID who should be unbanned
Update your profile details.
Only pass fields that you want to change.
Available: 👤 users only
bio?: stringNew bio (max 70 chars). Pass ''
(empty string) to remove it
firstName?: stringNew first name
lastName?: stringNew last name. Pass ''
(empty string) to remove it
Upgrades a star gift to a unique gift.
Note: this method is not indended to be used by full-fledged clients, as this method hides the actual invoice and payment form from the user. For GUI clients, you should refer to the method's source code and present the payment form to the user.
Available: 👤 users only
keepOriginalDetails?: booleanWhether to retain the original details of the gift (like sender, recipient, date, message)
shouldDispatch?: trueWhether to dispatch the new message event to the client's update handler.
Service message about the upgraded gift, if one was generated.
Upload a file to Telegram servers, without actually
sending a message anywhere. Useful when an InputFile
is required.
This method is quite low-level, and you should use other methods like sendMedia that handle this under the hood.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Upload parameters
estimatedSize?: numberIf the file size is unknown, you can provide an estimate, which will be used to determine appropriate part size.
Upload file source.
fileMime?: stringFile MIME type. By default is automatically inferred from magic number
If MIME can't be inferred, it defaults to application/octet-stream
fileName?: stringFile name for the uploaded file. Is usually inferred from path,
but should be provided for files sent as Buffer
or stream.
When file name can't be inferred, it falls back to "unnamed"
fileSize?: numberTotal file size. Automatically inferred for Buffer, File and local files.
partSize?: numberUpload part size (in KB).
By default, automatically selected by file size. Must not be bigger than 512 and must not be a fraction.
progressCallback?: (uploaded: number, total: number) => voidFunction that will be called after some part has been uploaded.
requestsPerConnection?: numberNumber of parts to be sent in parallel per connection.
requireExtension?: booleanWhen using inputMediaUploadedPhoto
(e.g. when sending an uploaded photo) require
the file extension to be known beforehand.
This will make the library try to guess the file extension from the file mime type, or throw an error if it cannot be guessed.
requireFileSize?: booleanWhen using inputMediaUploadedPhoto
(e.g. when sending an uploaded photo) require
the file size to be known beforehand.
In case this is set to true
, a stream is passed as file
and the file size is unknown,
the stream will be buffered in memory and the file size will be inferred from the buffer.
Upload a media to Telegram servers, without actually sending a message anywhere. Useful when File ID is needed.
The difference with uploadFile is that the returned object will act like a message media and contain fields like File ID.
Available: ✅ both users and bots
Media to upload
params: {Upload parameters
Wrap this client so that all RPC calls will use the specified parameters.
Parameters to use
Wrapped client
Wrap this client so that all RPC calls will use the specified parameters.
Parameters to use
Wrapped client
Telegram client for use in Bun