• Middleware that will call handler whenever an RPC error happens, with the error object itself.

    The handler can either return nothing (in which case the original error will be thrown), a new error (via the _: 'mt_rpc_error' object), or any other value, which will be returned as the result of the RPC call.

    Note that the return value is not type-checked due to limitations of TypeScript. You'll probably want to use satisfies keyword to ensure the return value is correct, for example:

    networkMiddlewares.onRpcError(async (ctx, error) => {
    if (rpc.request._ === 'help.getNearestDc') {
    return {
    _: 'nearestDc',
    country: 'RU',
    thisDc: 2,
    nearestDc: 2,
    } satisfies tl.RpcCallReturn['help.getNearestDc']


    Returns RpcCallMiddleware